A total mining of 1,800,000 tons per year of Kaolin & Waste was accomplished for five years to mine the Bauxite dilution free which is sitting as a sand witch between upper clay / lower clay Kaolin zone in a unique lithology. The mining was accomplished by a ripper deploying 153,885N of Ripping force & 320,511 of prying force supported by utilizing 175,000 KN of breakout force to maintain the clean mining of the Bauxite / Kaoline. The 50 x 150 meters parcel sequences with a 10% ramp to reach the LCZ to mine the UCZ & PBZ (Bauxite layer) was accomplished with the batter of 1H IV . The mine material was hauled to process plant on Graded Road• around 65 kms from the pit, which was then reduced to within 10 kms after the plant was relocated near to the pit.
Saudi Arabian Mining Company (Ma’aden)
Service Provided
Open Pit Mining

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